Post-Doctoral researcher

Vaibhav Varade, Ph.D
Email: vaibhavtvarade@mag.mff.cuni.cz
Tel: 420951552885
Room: C011 – Cryogenics Laboratory „C“, V-117 (216) – Research and Development Workrooms „V“, L066 – Heavy Technology Laboratories
Cryo-magnetic opto/electronic measurements of 2-Dimensional materials and their heterostructures with single molecular magnets, 2- dimensional magnetic materials, Valleytronics, Chemical vapor deposition
Cryo-magnetic opto/electronic measurements, circularly polarized photoluminescence/Raman, device fabrication using photolithography
- 2019: Postdoctoral researcher at Charles University, Czechia
- 2015 – 2018: Postdoc researcher at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
- 2008 – 2014: PhD from Indian Institute of Science, India
- 2007-2008: Visiting Scientist at Jyvaskyla University, Finland
Selected publications
- Vaibhav Varade, et. al., “Sulphur isotope engineering of exciton and lattice dynamics in \ce{MoS2} monolayers” (submitted)
- Vaibhav Varade, et. al., “Spin Hybrid with Valley Spin–Selective Photo-Induced Charge Transfer at Room Temperature” (submitted).
- Vaibhav Varade, et. al., “Bacteriorhodopsin based non-magnetic spin filters for biomolecular spintronics”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 1091 (2018).
- Vaibhav Varade, et. al., “Probing disorder and transport properties in polypyrrole thin film devices by impedance and Raman spectroscopy”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 46, 365306 (2013).