Mgr. Václav Valeš Ph.D.
Post-doc, Department of Low-dimensional Systems
Email: vaclav.vales@jh-inst.cas.cz
Tel: 420266053475
Room: 208
Enhancement of Raman signal of molecules in the vicinity of graphene, modified 2D materials
Raman spectroscopy, AFM, X-ray scattering
- 2013 - present JHINST - Department of Low-dimensional Systems; postdoc
- 2008 - 2013 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague; PhD. student
- 2003 - 2008 Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Prague; undergraduate student
Selected publications
- Valeš, P. Kovaříček, M. Fridrichová, X. Ji, X. Ling, J. Kong, M. S. Dresselhaus, and M. Kalbáč, “Enhanced Raman scattering on functionalized graphene substrates,” 2D Mater. 4, 25087 (2017).
- Valeš, Z. Melníková, T. Verhagen, J. Vejpravová, and M. Kalbáč, “Reversibility of Graphene-Enhanced Raman Scattering with Fluorinated Graphene,” Phys. status solidi B, 1700177 (2017).
- Verhagen, V. Vales, O. Frank, M. Kalbac, and J. Vejpravova, “Temperature-induced strain release via rugae on the nanometer and micrometer scale in graphene monolayer,” Carbon 119, 483–491 (2017).
- Plšek, P. Kovaříček, V. Valeš, and M. Kalbáč, “Tuning the Reactivity of Graphene by Surface Phase Orientation,” Chem. - A Eur. J. 23, 1839–1845 (2017).
- Valeš, T. Verhagen, J. Vejpravová, O. Frank, and M. Kalbáč, “Addressing asymmetry of the charge and strain in a two-dimensional fullerene peapod,” Nanoscale 8, 735–740 (2016).
- Vejpravova, B. Pacakova, J. Endres, A. Mantlikova, T. Verhagen, V. Vales, O. Frank, and M. Kalbac, “Graphene wrinkling induced by monodisperse nanoparticles: facile control and quantification,” Sci. Rep. 5, 15061, (2015).
- Kominkova, V. Vales, M. C. Hersam, and M. Kalbac, “Towards quantification of the ratio of the single and double wall carbon nanotubes in their mixtures: An in situ Raman spectroelectrochemical study,” Carbon 78, 366–373 (2014).
- Valeš, M. Buljan, V. Janicki, S. Bernstorff, S. Mangold, Z. Siketić, O. Schneeweiss, and V. Holý, “Fe2O3/TiO2 nanoparticles—a complex structural study,” Thin Solid Films 564, 65–72 (2014).
- Valeš, L. Matějová, Z. Matěj, T. Brunátová, and V. Holý, “Crystallization kinetics study of cerium titanate CeTi2O6,” J. Phys. Chem. Solids 75, 265–270 (2014).